10 Diagnoses 4 Student Nurses

Top 10 Nanda Nursing Diagnoses for nursing students….

10. Fluid volume deficit r/t dehydrating effects of caffeine
associated with increased student sightings at coffee bars.

9. Impaired social interactions r/t inappropriate topics of
conversation associated with incessant discussions of bowel and
bladder functions.

8. Sexual dysfunction r/t time constraints and stress-induced
impotence associated with increased irritability of nursing students
and their significant others.

7. Functional constipation r/t lack of time to go to the bathroom
associated with moving at the speed of light and still not getting
everything done.

6. Impaired skin integrity r/t increased intake of fat, chocolate, and
alcohol associated with return to adolescent facial breakouts.

5. Anticipatory grieving r/t impending midterms and final exams
associated with crying fits in October, December, March, and May.

4. Maturational enuresis r/t trauma-induced regression to childhood
associated with frequent changing of linens.

3. Ineffective individual coping: obsessivecompulsive behaviors r/t
high demand of nursing school associated with continual checking and
rechecking of calendars, date books, course syllabi, and other nursing
students to reassure that one is not forgetting assignments.

2. Altered thought processes: caffeine-induced psychosis r/t increased
coffee consumption.

1. Self-care deficit r/t being a nursing student.

26 thoughts on “10 Diagnoses 4 Student Nurses”

  1. Impaired tissue integrity related to countless hours of sitting as evidenced by a flat back side, formation of decubitus ulcers.

  2. Tara, congratulations on your up coming graduation and best of luck in your new career! I’m so glad you found this site helpful during your studies.

  3. It’s not a joke about the caffeine and nursing diagnosis’ involved. Thank you for posting this.

  4. I laughed at these… because I identify. I was having some heart palpitations and getting a bit more tachy than I was comfortable with, because I’d drank too much coffee trying to wake up for those early morning clinicals .

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  8. thankyou amy47… This blog was very nice for preparation of compitition exams. Thanks… 🙂

  9. you are the best for this blog, it has Helped me throughout nursing school and in a years i will be graduating !!! I can wear the shirt for nurses 🙂

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