Study Notes

These are class notes or book notes that can be used for study material.  Use these in addition to your notes as more or less material may have been covered in your class.  Remember, you’re tested on what you learned in class, ok, maybe you’re tested on more than what you covered in class sometimes.  Anyway, scroll down the right side of the screen, under the section “PAGES” you will find “Study Notes”, under that click on the specific area of study notes for the subject you are currently studying or you can use the drop down menu for Study Notes above.  I hope these are helpful for you.

Some of these are my notes, some are from a friend, Susan (thanks Susan), and some are from someone from the class of 2008.

11 thoughts on “Study Notes”

  1. looking for neuroanatomy and physiology notes…..any help would be greatly appreciated

  2. Hi
    I would like to know if you have any study notes on Med surg or on the cardiovascular system. I am struggling with Med surg and I need help with finding resources to assist me . By the way great website I wish i had found it before taking both my exams. Do you have any study notes for OB.

  3. Are you saying this cures kidney failure no matter the cause? Don’t you need to cure the underlying cause? Like diabetes

  4. hi, im student of msc nursing of neuroscience nursing stream as i m struggling for notes or book pklz help me

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