Tag Archives: Durham Technical Community College

What is the blog all about

I’m Amy and I set up this blog to give our nursing class of 2009 at Durham Technical Community College a place to talk about issues pertaining to our pinning ceremony.  I have also found sites and other items of interest that I have added as links that might be helpful to other nursing students.  I got my inspiration from Dani of Tired Student Nurses.  Dani has an amazing website that has helped me through 2 years of nursing school.  Dani has since been forced to disassemble her web blog so I have copied some of her questions under “NCLEX style practice questions”.  I hope you find them as helpful as I did.  Thanks Dani!

If you want to be a nurse, know that nursing school will take a full time commitment.  It is not easy.  Of course, we will hold peoples’ lives in our hands when we get in the work force, so it should not be easy.  I’ll let you know if the rewards of becoming a nurse are worth the torture of nursing school.  I think they will be.  I do pray to God that if I ever become as non-compassionate as some of the nurses I have come in contact with while in school that he will lead me out of the profession.  I have also come across some of the most wonderful human beings I’ve ever met that truly embody what a nurse should be; please let me be like them.

If anybody has any links, quick notes, or NCLEX questions they think might be helpful to other nursing students, feel free to paste them in a comment and I will move them to the proper section.  I would also love some feedback on what else you think might be helpful.